Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Getting ready for the fourth

I have been in good spirits this week.  Yesterday I mowed and weeded my yard for almost two hours and I didn't mind at all.  Last night I had the urge that I wanted to go workout today.  I woke up and didn't hesitate to get to the gym.  The interval training of jog/walking was a bit more tiring for me today, but I finished it.  I then went and lifted weights targeting my legs.  I always love leg days because it gives me great satisfaction to see my thigh muscles pop and for a moment I don't feel so chubby.  

I am planning to go to Oregon with my brother to his in-laws house.  I will reap the benefits of someone else owning a boat so that I might ride the white waves of the lake.  I love boating and while I may never be able to justify ever buying one for myself, I will always welcome other people to make that decision to own one.  This way I can befriend a nice couple who will invite me to join them on the water for the small cost of a batch of cookies and some soda without all the fuss of insuring such a motorized craft.  I am great company and perhaps this couple will find my inappropriate jokes about stereotypes funny and in turn offer their own jokes, hopefully dirty in nature.  We will laugh all the day long.  This is my dream and no it will not be happening this weekend.  I will need to remember that not everyone finds my humor hilarious.  I will however, still enjoy the company and offer jokes that more people might enjoy.  One day that couple will find me; wherever they are. 

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