Monday, July 13, 2015

That didn't feel like a rest day

Mondays according to my workout schedule is intended to be a rest day.  However, it usually isn't for me.  Monday also happens to be trash day and because I hate the smell of hot grass clippings in my garage, I try to mow my lawn before the guys come to empty my trash bins.  It started out as a simple mowing, but as I do with most things, I looked around and noticed that there was a lot more yard work to be done.  The house we live in already has established landscaping which is convenient.  At our house in Idaho Falls, the word landscape wasn't even heard of in the neighborhood.  Weeds were a way of life back then.  I don't know if it is because I am getting older or if I feel a sense of responsibility, but I enjoy doing yard work now.  Everything except weeding, that freakin' sucks and it always will.  I trimmed and beautified both the front and back yards today and was feeling so awesome.  The neighbors will be in envy of my dedication I am sure of it and hopefully they didn't notice when I walked into the weed whacker's path and nicked my shin.  Luckily the machine was off when I did it and I only caught the rotation after it had begun to slow down.  Otherwise I would have done some serious damage.  I really should be more careful with power tools.  

When I came inside I was still feeling pretty ambitious.  I used that energy to scrub both bathrooms and by the time I was done it was 1 o'clock and I had forgotten to eat lunch.  That Phil Collins was just helping me get through my chores so I didn't notice.  Maddie came to ask me a question and stopped to say, "eew, your shirt is so wet and gross mom." I don't know what it is about my family members feeling the need to point out my absolute disgustingness when it is visible. I am more than aware of my appearance, but I guess it is bad enough for her to say something.  Oh well, at least I was productive during my rest day.  My jogging schedule is the same as it was last week.  I am happy for that because when I saw that I have to jog 4 miles next week I took a mini panic breath.  It's good that I am slowly building up to higher mileage otherwise, I may think that I can't do it and get the urge to quit.

On another note, I took the kids swimming on Friday and when I sat down on the chairs provided, my thighs fit a little better in it than the last time I was there.  It may seem insignificant to some, but I am happy to notice when the little things start adding up.  Maybe the next time I sit in the pool chairs, I will once again notice an even better fit for me and my rather grande thighs.

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