Thursday, July 9, 2015

Kids Man

Sometimes I get in these moods when I am wandering throughout the house.  I look around and see all the little things that need to be done, like scrubbing dirty handprints off my wall or finding all of the hidden children's underwear with mysterious brown stains on them.  Today I decided to tackle both Maddie and Judah's room.  When I say tackle I literally mean just that.  Maddie has a habit of collecting all of her doodles and paintings.  This wouldn't be so bad, but there seem to be thousands of pieces of paper strewn throughout her room.  I enjoy her artwork, but let's be honest, I am not going to save every piece.  My house would start to look like a crazy lady's who collects every newspaper that has ever crossed the threshold of her door.  No, I am sentimental but only in small doses.

I was able to find the carpet in her room but I also found marker doodles done by my two year old over every piece of furniture.  I have had to invest some serious cash in Mr. Clean's magic erasers for without them, I would be forced to repaint every wall in my house. Ani Rose has a keen sense of cleaned walls and like any wild animal, will soon mark her territory in the form of marker, pen, or pencil scribbles.  Right now there are pen markings all over her room that I simply cannot get out.  I will paint them in due time, but right now she can just look at her artwork; it seems to be what she wants to do anyway because as soon as I clean them, not 24 hours goes by before a fresh batch has appeared.  

I then tackled Judah's room and after what seemed like three hours, I was finished.  Both rooms were practically sparkling and of course, it didn't take long for Ani to come in and throw stuffed animals right back onto the carpet.  Some days she is beyond a monster and hopefully the terrible two's are almost over with this one.  So I decided that rather than get overly angry about stupid toys, I packed the kids up and went to run the 2 miles I was scheduled to do today.  One of the employees who watches the kids mentioned to me that it must be hard getting three kids ready to bring to the gym.  It is hard, which is why it took so long for me to start do it on a regular basis.  I feel like a mother goose with her chicks following behind her sometimes.  One day I will be able to just get myself ready and go, but today is not that day.  It's ok, I don't mind teaching them what you need to do to be healthy.      

I am feeling quite happy about my progress this week.  I have gone to the gym three days in a row and I really cannot remember the last time I did that.  I feel great and today when I got up from sleeping I began to notice my efforts.  My legs were firmer and my stomach wasn't such a mess.  I didn't hate looking at myself and I know it will only get better the longer I progress.  Slow and steady wins the race and right now I am that little turtle that keeps moving.    

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