Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Slower pace, rocked the race

I was scheduled to walk/jog three miles with added strength training for today.  I was looking forward to it because I haven't been to the gym since last Thursday.  I have stayed busy doing other things, but I was ready to get back to the routine.  I started out my pace as I normally do which is usually a 4.8 on the treadmill.  However, I was getting winded and thought to myself that I wasn't going to improve as long as I kept doing these short bursts of jogging.  I reduced my speed to a 4.4 which is equivalent to a 13:38 mile.  I wasn't so concerned with how fast I was going, but rather how long I was keeping a steady pace.  Wouldn't you know it, I was able to jog most of my workout.  I had a half a mile left and was losing steam, but I was so close.  I took a breather for a minute and pumped myself up to finish.  When I saw the machine turn over to 3 miles I had so much elation fill my bones, I had to throw my fist up into the air.  I may not be a fast runner, but I finished the way I wanted to and who can argue with that?

I focused my weight training on legs today and after my workout I had legs like jelly but a soul full of pride.  I love good workout days.  It makes the bad ones tolerable, but it also makes you feel so invincible.  I have a jawbone pedometer that keeps track of my steps and my sleep schedule.  My daily goal is 10,000 steps and I have already met it today and it's only 1:30.  No one can bring me down today, I am unstoppable!!    

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