Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Call the Whambulance, I'm dying

Some times when I head to the gym I get these grand ideas as to how my workout is going to play out.  Today was no exception as I trotted my way upstairs to the gym equipment.  My jog was ok, nothing really amazing to note, except that I finished.  Then I decided to tackle my legs.  I did a vast array of sets including leg curls, leg extensions, hip abductors, leg press, calf exercises and shoulder presses.  To say that my body was jelly was an understatement.  I was looking at the dirty towel bin and realized that it was taking far more energy than usual to take the towel off my shoulder to toss it into the bin.  Then my empty water bottle suddenly felt like it weighed a million tons.  I scrunched my brow and decided that I had to be stronger than the bottle.  I feel a wave of euphoria mixed with another wave of nausea.  I am proud of the jelly but holy crap it hurts to get there.  Even now as I write this I am sprawled out on the carpet wondering if I will ever be able to get back up again.  Thank goodness for seven year olds that can assist me in my tasks.

I have been recently incorporating crunches to my daily routine.  It takes maybe 10 minutes, but after only two weeks, I have noticed that my shirts are not fitting as tight as they used to.  Another hooray for me was that Adam noticed that I looked better as well.  I always love hearing from him that I look better.  It is harder for people who see you everyday to notice subtle changes so the fact that he did makes me very satisfied with my progress.  It also makes me want to keep going, which is why my body is dead right now.  Motivation is key to success.

I have to give a shout out to my friend Jill, for I just found out that in order for her to get a workout in for the day, she is waking her butt up at 6am because she knows that it will not get done otherwise.  There are so many obstacles we all face when it comes to our fitness and so many of us, including me, have found ways to justify not taking care of our bodies.  Good job Jill!!


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