Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Today was a killer

Last year I taped a couch to half marathon jogging schedule on my closet wall.  I have been looking at this stupid thing for all this time, but haven't had the guts to take it down.  If I took it down, then it meant that I was giving up.   Let's be honest, there was a time last year that I had no intention of exercising or bettering myself, but I was in denial about how out of shape I had gotten.  Plus, it was conveniently hidden behind a BSU flag that is also tacked up in my closet.  I know what you are thinking, flags, workout agendas; what is going on in this closet?  It is my little haven where I can hide from my kids when I have had enough and a place to hang up my football loyalties but most importantly, it's where my clothes are; and while I am standing there naked and trying to decide what to wear, it's nice to see my goals reminding me of what I want to accomplish.

I was looking at it last night and noticed that I was pretty close to being on schedule to move onto the next week of the workout.  It said for today that I needed to walk/jog a 3 miler and lift weights.  I thought that would be a great idea and it was until I hit the brick wall at about 35 minutes in.  I was almost done with the 3 miles, but it was such a struggle to lift my legs.  I was on a jog 5 minutes and walk 3 minutes routine, but I had to adjust to 3 minutes jogging and 2 minutes walking.  I finished but only after completely draining all of my energy.  I was proud of that jog.  I was sweaty and exhausted, but that is the secret recipe for success.  I almost didn't lift any weights but decided that I had better keep to my goal.  I worked on shoulders and arms today.  I didn't do it for very long, maybe ten minutes, but at least I did it.  It took all of my energy to walk down the stairs to go get the kids.  To make matters worse, when I was walking out with all of the kids, Ani Rose decided to do her famous sprint for the road.  My already tired body had to once again get into gear.  I caught her on the other side of the street and immediately wanted to give her a what-fer.  However, there were people watching my mothering skills and so I had to play it cool.  How dare this turd make me run again; doesn't she know how tired I was?  It wasn't funny and I am really quite peeved at this little trick of hers.  This isn't the first time she has run directly into danger for the laughs.  Ah well it wasn't the end of the world, but it sure feels like it; stinkin kid.

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