Thursday, July 23, 2015

I'll admit it...I've been lazy

Last week I had every intention of working out, but before I knew it, it was Thursday night and we were heading to go camping the next morning.  I don't know what it is about camping, but it leads to so much overeating.  It's like the trees are whispering that it's perfectly fine to eat yourself sick.  Then they laugh about it when you go to sleep saying, "what a stupid human, she falls for it time and time again."  I had set up the inflatable mattress for Adam and myself to avoid sleeping on the ground, but my children beat me to the punch and I didn't want to risk waking them up to switch places.  I used to be able to sleep on the ground when I was a child with no problem.  Now it's like every pebble digs into my back and I seem to lose all function of my vertebrae.  I had no pillow because one had mysteriously vanished from unpacking and so I had to fashion a poor excuse for one out of my sweater.  I was cold and uncomfortable and by the time the morning came, I felt like I had wrestled with macho man Randy Savage.  My body hurt and I was ready to go home.  I then spent the rest of Saturday trying to erase all memory of the campfire from our clothing and bedding.  I like camping, but then at the same time, I hate camping.

When Monday rolled around, I had very little energy to do anything.  I am currently in a summer funk where I watch and listen to my children being monsters and wonder if there is a place that I can hide.  There isn't for the record; they know everywhere I go and I cannot simply run away.  They'd just follow me outside asking me where we were going.  I wonder if practicing the art of the serpentine maneuver would work to break the scent of my trail?  Eeh, I guess I will keep being their mother and love them even though they drive me bonkers sometimes.  I didn't want to workout even though I knew darn well it would help the situation.  Instead I have opted for a daily nap.  It has been wonderfully lazy and even though I always get twinges of guilt for taking a nap, I did it anyway.

Last night I decided that I was going to get my butt back to the gym and was excited for it.  This morning however, I was greeted with a beyond sick toddler.  Her lungs are rattling, her nose is runny and I cannot justify exposing anyone to her right now.  It bummed me out that she interrupted my plan today.  She even put herself back to bed so I know she isn't feeling well.  So to combat the feeling of defeat I did crunches and pushups.  Judah even joined in but not before jumping on my stomach.  He's loads of fun that one.  Tomorrow I hope she is feeling better, although I tend to doubt it for how sick she is today, but I will try to be optimistic.  I need to get back to the gym.  I feel too lazy.                

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