Friday, July 24, 2015

Well at least I was right

Yesterday I mentioned that my two year old was sick and by 4:00 last night she was sounding oh so terrible.  I went into the pediatrician's office fully intending them to tell me that she was going to be just fine, but it turns out, she had pneumonia in her right lung.  The odd thing about this story is that she barely began showing symptoms yesterday.  They had to give her steroids and a breathing treatment before sending her over to get an x-ray.  The doctor told me that if I had waited to bring her in, she could have been really sick.  Ani was happy as a clam, but she couldn't breath, so I am glad I listened to my instinct and for once my nervousness about my children's ailments actually paid off.  That being said, today my workout was once again put on the back burner.  It's ok though, it was something legitimate and I am so happy that I didn't have to see Ani get really sick.  I would've felt terrible for waiting.  Tomorrow is Saturday, which means it's time to spend with Adam.  He may want to hit up the gym, but I highly doubt it.  I don't mind chillin' in bed and letting the morning pass me by.  That's what the weekends are for right?

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