Monday, June 29, 2015

The will to survive

Today was a day that started with a two-year old body slamming me to ask for oatmeal.  I had a frown plastered on my face from the get go.  I suppose this all stems from the 100+ degree heat wave we have been experiencing which in turn leads me to be completely locked down.  I simply will not go anywhere for more than 23 minutes without the ever erotic feel of cool air blowing on my sweaty face.  Sometimes walking into a cold house after feeling my back sweat race to my butt crack is better than anything.  Wait, that may be a tad too graphic, but it's the truth.  I do not handle hot weather very well.  

Anyway, I was in a grouchy mood and decided to combat the feelings of wanting to hide from my children permanently by heading off to the gym.  I was quite positive to be there.  I wanted my Patty time and this was a great place to get it.  I went jogging and alternated between jogging and fast walking.  It was just what the doctor ordered.  I also lifted some weights and I think this was the kicker for me.  I like lifting weights and I feel like it awakens my whole body and forces my body to use muscles that would otherwise keep hiding out.  My friend Christa introduced me to this practice and today I missed her.  I needed her to help me feel more confident about being in the weight area.  Plus she challenged me to push myself.  It is such weird place and most people feel intimidated by it.  Don't be, your body can benefit so much from weight lifting.  I feel like people eye ball each other so much more in the weights area.  Maybe it's because no one feels confident to be there.  They look around to see what other people are doing so they can copy them.

Well I felt good today and was even more proud of myself for going.  Our friend Anthony asked me on Saturday how my workout was going and for a second I thought myself a failure for not going that day, but then I realized that it is a daily struggle and I shouldn't be embarrassed.  I don't feel like a failure today and I know I won't be tomorrow either.

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