Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Squeezing In Time

I have a membership to the YMCA and part of my fees include child care while I work out.  This is a great concept and I am so happy that it is provided to me.  There is one minor drawback to this system.  I have my niece to take care of for the next little while and I cannot take her with me unless I am willing to pay more.  Of course I am not willing to pay more for my membership.  Plus this is only a temporary thing.  I got up this morning with the urge to get my sweat on, but had to wait until 4:30 to go.  I was worried that I wasn't going to be able to fit in a workout before Adam had to be home and I had to go to work.  I wanted to go today because the more days that are in between physical activiy for me, the less likely I am to be motivated.  Plus I lost almost three pounds this last week and only went over my calorie count on Saturday night.   

I continued to sporadically think about my workout plans throughout the day just to make sure that I was reminding my brain to go.  I even had the thought in third person that I was going to bail.  I wanted to prove that little negative idea wrong so after my niece was picked up, I threw on some clothes and squeezed in my workout.  It felt great.  What wasn't great were the two prepubescent turds making a mockery of the treadmills.  They were having a real laugh at turning up the machines full blast and then trying to keep up with its pace.  I wanted to turn on my mean face and say, "Hey dill-weeds, some of us are trying to enjoy our workouts.  Can you please go find your other pasty skinned friends and be stinky somewhere else?"  This would have been the most awesome burn but I was too annoyed and out of breath to do anything about it.  They gave up eventually and disappeared from my view.  Then a guy was trying to decide which machine to use and accidentally tripped hardcore on the edge.  He tried to play it off as no big deal, but I could tell, it was a big deal to him.  It was a varied poo-poo platter of characters tonight.  To be honest, the YMCA tends to bring out some of the most hidden dwellers of society anyway.  I welcome all the weirdos and old people to be at the gym.  It gives me something to think about while I am trying to jog out the pain.          

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