Friday, June 5, 2015

Stinky Pete Strikes Again

I am already feeling accomplished this afternoon.  Not only did I get to sleep in, but I also went to the gym and rocked it.  I jogged/walked for 35 minutes and then rode the stationary bike for 15 minutes.  By the time I got to the bikes, I was stinky and I felt bad for the people sitting next to me.  Had I worn a different color of shirt other than white, it would've shown just how gross I was.  I am proud of this.  Adam and I have agreed that the only way to truly know if you are doing things right at the gym is if you are super stinky and sweaty.  It is a badge of honor and I will wear it proudly.  I earned every calorie today and enjoyed doing it.  I got a break from the kids and also from my mind.  It's nice to zone out and listen to the machines.  It is Friday today and this will be the 5th day of me not going over my calorie count.  I still managed to have cookies and even some ice cream too.  I need to remember that watching my calories doesn't mean that I have to starve myself of every pleasure. Instead, I have to make adjustments so that my pleasures can fit nicely into my life.  Today is a good day.

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