Thursday, June 4, 2015

Knee Deep in Kids

Today was Madeline's first day of summer break.  I thought that this was going to be a grand event because Judah was in desperate need of a buddy during the day.  It was all keyed up to be fantastic and then by 9:30am, I realized that having all of the kids home at once isn't really fun at all.  Actually, it's a lot of freaking work.  Not to mention, that I am babysitting my niece this summer as well.  So we ventured to the pool and it was marvelous.  Undoubtedly, I get nervous when going outside in my swimsuit.  All of these thoughts race through my mind about what people are thinking when they see someone of my stature walk in.  I am sure that people only mildly care about my cellulite, but for some reason, I get scared out of my mind to squeeze into that lycra.  It is a quite a show to see me get into my suit.  I squat, pull, lift, and tuck to try and hide every piece of chunk on my body.  Like somehow the suit has magical powers and can give the appearance of a size 6.

I was sitting on the poolside being a lifeguard and just kept staring down at my belly.  It is large and in the way.  I would like it to be gone and preferably today.  Yes and while we are at it, can we make my face not need makeup and for my food to make itself and then do the dishes afterwards?  The amount of work it takes to be a human is quite astronomical.  I know everyone who is trying to lose weight would love to have it all be gone in one day, but as we fatties know, it didn't take one day to put on the pounds; it certainly won't take one day to get rid of it.  Adam called me today to find out how the working out was going to happen and this is why it has been so hard to get to the gym.  By the end of the night, neither one of us want to move and forget about getting up early.  I have an inability to care about anything at 5-7:30am.  Even if I have the gumption to set my alarm, I always surrender to my pillow when it sounds.  But alas, I wanted to get to the gym today come hell or high water.  We are going tonight together and putting the kids into the child watch at the Y.  This way we can get healthy while having a mini-date.  This day seems to never end.  I will be looking forward to my bed tonight.        

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