Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Hi There

Umm can we talk about the fact that it is already August?  When the crap did that happen?  My parents came into town from Thursday to Sunday and I'd like to say that it was spent exercising and eating right, but I shall not fib.  We ate lots of junk food and didn't really do anything in the way of physical exercise.  On the upside, I scored a brand new bike that was purchased at an auction by my father.  It was unexpected and I was grateful for it.  Yesterday was a day that I had planned on going to the gym, but when I awoke in the morning, I was greeted by a mountain of laundry and a dirty house.  Thinking about it now, I realize that I didn't clean my house for four days while my parents were here.  Today was spent going to dentist appointments and grocery shopping followed by more laundry.  I feel as if laundry is a curse and wish that I could throw my clothes away and start with new ones daily to avoid doing it.  The tedious task of folding endless amounts of clothing can send me into a spiral some days.  The pile remains the same size regardless of how many shirts get taken out of it.  Don't even get me started on the sock pile.

I think I need to be more concerned with my diet than I am.  I do the work of going to the gym, I should be seeing a much bigger payout than I have been.  Perhaps ice cream in the evening isn't really helping my well being, even though I get hot and bothered just thinking about consuming a giant, caramel laced bowl of delicious iced cream daily.  I will walk through the frozen treat section of the grocery store and talk dirty to all the options in each lustful and dreamy glass partition.  I try to look conspicuous, but I doubt I am doing a very good job.  I'll even try to ignore the ice cream but sneak a peek through my peripheral vision before begrudgingly heading towards the bread section.  I often don't buy these things because I know what I will do to them once I get home.  It involves a spoon but don't worry, there is no evidence to prove that I was the perpetrator; I leave no trace.  Wait, where am I?

Anyway, I am contemplating a detox cleanse to help me on my journey.  I don't want anything too long because I know I won't finish.  I am going to have to do some research on the matter.  I have to work tonight, but I do plan on getting my butt to the gym tomorrow morning.  Good luck to anyone else who struggles with this problem.  It's such a bitch sometimes to have discipline.  


  1. Myke's doctor had him eat nothing but fruit and vegetables for 2 weeks, lean protein at dinner. No counting calories or anything. He lost 11 pounds. We added in whole grains after the first 2 weeks and he's still losing about 1 1/2 pounds a week. It's really hard at first but gets easier.

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  3. My friend gave me a great idea when she cleans her house she puts on leg weight and makes sure to take extra trips up the stairs. Hope that's helps :-)

  4. My friend gave me a great idea when she cleans her house she puts on leg weight and makes sure to take extra trips up the stairs. Hope that's helps :-)
