Thursday, August 6, 2015

Today Feels Like The Day

I have decided that today is the day to do my cleanse.  I didn't want anything that would be too long and thought that a two week plan would be just enough of a struggle to push through.  My sister sent me some texts about how her husband was told to do a cleanse recommended by his doctor.  I think this might be a good trail to follow.  It consists of two weeks of fruit and vegetables for the day with protein at dinner time.  With anything, I find myself thinking it over and talking myself out of it, which is why it is happening today.  If I waited until Monday instead of today, I'd lose 4 days of detox time.  That's 4 days longer that I have to go and anyway, why is Monday always the starting point?  Because everyone wants a few more days of freedom before sentencing.  I am tired of the freedom, my butt has had enough freedom, no what I need is hard time.  I am the type of person who doesn't like to deprive myself of anything.  It is a real problem and I acknowledge that, which is why I think I need to do this detox.  I know that I am not going to lose 50 pounds in two weeks, that really isn't the point.  It is a way of starting fresh and to clean out the pipes so to speak.

I am also thinking about the support that I receive on the daily.  My sister Chris calls me when she sees that I haven't posted for a few days just to make sure that everything is ok.  My other sister Briana sends me things that show that it is ok to make mistakes.  Of course I cannot forget Dara.  She has been on my side since the beginning, four years ago.  It's amazing the power of social media.  I want to send a thank you to everyone that reads this old blog.  I really appreciate the support.

1 comment:

  1. Do it! Start today!! When I do a cleanse (which had to do this pregnancy) I meal preparation with premade meals in tuperwaer to just throw in the microwave or salads to grab too. I would drink a lot of water like 96 oz a day. I would make sure to keep electrolytes and salts in my diet because I drink so much water. Good luck lady its only 2 weeks then one good meal for a job well done.
