Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Oh where to begin

The last week leading up to the starting of school is really stressful.  I wasn't really ready to start the new semester and now that I am two days into it, I am STILL not ready to start the semester.  There are some days I wake up and wish that I had nothing on my docket.  Yesterday I was able to spend 1.5 hours at home with no kids and there was plenty to do around the house.  The dishes were dirty, laundry needed to be folded and the house was in overall disarray.  I chose to watch Steve Harvey instead.  No, I am not usually a Steve Harvey fan, but he was helping me escape what I was ignoring for at least a little while.  Yesterday I rode my bike into campus and I enjoyed the ride.  There is something about letting your mind wander whilst you feel the wind rush through your hair that makes you feel alive.  Maybe this means I need to invest in a motorcycle again.  I don't know how often I will be able to post this semester.  I will try to get my fitness on wherever I can, but I am taking full-time classes.  After toting kids back and forth to daycare as well as using my brain cells to remember information, I have very little energy to do anything else.  Not to mention that I still have the house to take care of.  Oh crap, I am getting stressed out just thinking about it.  It's a conundrum isn't it?  If you take the time to work out, you will have more energy to get through the day, but where can you find the time?  I already have to wake up at 6:30 to be to class by 9.  Oh geez, I gotta quit complaining and find the time.  It'll be better for me in the long run.

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