Monday, August 17, 2015

Summertime Blues

This summer I have been taking online courses through Boise State in order to be that much closer to being done with my degree.  Initially when I planned my schedule back in April, I thought it would be a great idea.  I was looking at dates and everything looked to be just right.  I was able to take the classes without a hitch, but I feel like I completely lost my summer.  I wasn't able to completely calm down because there was always looming homework in the background.  I just finished the last of my classes leaving me with only one week of relaxation before I have to start a new whole new semester.  Ugg to the max.  Am I happy that I was able to complete two more classes?  Yes but next summer I am going to think long and hard before I schedule myself out for the entire three months.  

I have been staying busy this week.  I did some free weights at the gym next to all of the other meatballs and it was so stressful.  They didn't do anything to me to make me be afraid, but they all watch each other.  It is a creepy place if you don't have a buddy and especially if you are a woman.  I feel like I need to take a male body part with me to wave around and assert my dominance; mark my territory if you will.  Otherwise I get the stink eye when I take up space in front of the mirrors.  My training session was a good one because I was sore for the next three days.  I am trying to get my upper body more toned and so I opted to use the barbells.  There is a major difference between using the weight machines and using barbells.  I feel like a get a better burn when I use the free weights.  Instead of localized training, more of my body is in motion.  

Another great thing happened yesterday, Adam hooked up the child buggy to my bike so I can now pull the kids behind me when we go on bike rides.  Usually he is the one to do it, but I asked him to switch it over to mine and I am glad that I did.  I felt my legs burning and my muscles engaged, which is great.  Now I can take the kids on rides when I am bored.  One might ask, hey Pat why don't you just ride Adam's bike when you take the kids out?  Well friend, let me tell you.  He has a skinny little bike seat.  I feel like my butt is slowly fusing to the seat making it feel like I am riding on my pelvis bone.  It is painful and leaves my inner thighs sore for days.  No thank you.    

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