Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Stress? We don't need no stinking stress

Well I had to give in and drop some of my classes this semester.  I was unable to keep up with the assignments on all of them, so now I am just focusing on three instead of five.  I have such guilt when I drop classes, but on the other hand, I hate failing so I guess I will take the high road.  Adam and I have been on this schedule for over a year now.  We are raising the white flag.  There isn't enough time in the day to get everything done.  It feels like we have tried to get so much done that we haven't gotten anything done instead.  So in exchange, we cut down our schedules a little bit.  It has helped a lot and I was able to actually mow the lawn today.  It was starting to grow some serious Basidiomycota specimens.  Look it up because I might as well put some of this information that I have beat into my brain to good use and perhaps you will learn a little something today too.

I wanted to try out some of the pre-set workout options on the treadmill today.  I didn't feel like running today so I chose to do the brisk jog option.  It doesn't matter that I am not running because walking is just as beneficial to my health.  I wanted to do the mountains course and sweet baby Jebus it was hard.  I kept thinking, if this machine gets any higher into the air, the weight of my thunder thighs is going to send us both to the ground.  I was huffing so much that Ani had to strain to hear the tv.  I wanted to go for 30 minutes today, but after getting done with the most intense portion of the workout, I had to call it.  I made it 21 minutes and I know that I probably could have struggled through for another 9, but to be honest, it was hard getting to 21.  It is now my goal to do better on that course and perhaps complete the entire thing.  Then my thighs can get a little less thundery.

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