Thursday, September 10, 2015

Jello Jiggler

I was feeling ambitious today when I woke up.  I love it when laundry gets started, dishes are done and bedrooms are clean before 10am.  Of course, I don't love being the person who is in charge of getting this work done.  To be honest, I hate and loathe housework.  I doubt there is anyone who loves it.  Sometimes I will ignore something on the counter or the floor for days before I decide to acknowledge the need to clean.  It also doesn't help that the kids come right behind me to make another mess.  But today was good and afterwards I hopped on the treadmill to get my sweat on.  Since the machine is in my room, I decided I might try running without a shirt on.  I get so hot when I workout and in normal exercising circumstances, I wouldn't be caught dead without a shirt on in public, but since I was in the privacy of my own home I gave it a shot.

It was ok.  I mean it was nice to feel the air cooling me a lot more efficiently but when I looked down I felt like my skin had a layer of jello hidden beneath it.  Things were bouncing and reverberating in ways that shouldn't be mentioned in social circles.  I am sure that microscopic creatures hearing my thunder clap would have to dig themselves a hidey-hole until the jogging was through.  Otherwise, they might go deaf and possibly run the risk of losing limbs if they got caught in the kill zone.  I can imagine it now:
"Janet get the kids inside, the fatty is lowing the treadmill track."
"Dammit Janet we don't have time for silly games, get Angelica and George inside!"
Poor little microbes.  It didn't matter that my jello-jiggly chub was bouncing to and fro, the point is I was on the damn machine attempting to be rid of aforementioned problem.  I guess a few microbe families are going to have to sacrifice their homes for my benefit.  Wait, where am I?  Where was I going?

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