Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Stress? We don't need no stinking stress

Well I had to give in and drop some of my classes this semester.  I was unable to keep up with the assignments on all of them, so now I am just focusing on three instead of five.  I have such guilt when I drop classes, but on the other hand, I hate failing so I guess I will take the high road.  Adam and I have been on this schedule for over a year now.  We are raising the white flag.  There isn't enough time in the day to get everything done.  It feels like we have tried to get so much done that we haven't gotten anything done instead.  So in exchange, we cut down our schedules a little bit.  It has helped a lot and I was able to actually mow the lawn today.  It was starting to grow some serious Basidiomycota specimens.  Look it up because I might as well put some of this information that I have beat into my brain to good use and perhaps you will learn a little something today too.

I wanted to try out some of the pre-set workout options on the treadmill today.  I didn't feel like running today so I chose to do the brisk jog option.  It doesn't matter that I am not running because walking is just as beneficial to my health.  I wanted to do the mountains course and sweet baby Jebus it was hard.  I kept thinking, if this machine gets any higher into the air, the weight of my thunder thighs is going to send us both to the ground.  I was huffing so much that Ani had to strain to hear the tv.  I wanted to go for 30 minutes today, but after getting done with the most intense portion of the workout, I had to call it.  I made it 21 minutes and I know that I probably could have struggled through for another 9, but to be honest, it was hard getting to 21.  It is now my goal to do better on that course and perhaps complete the entire thing.  Then my thighs can get a little less thundery.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Jello Jiggler

I was feeling ambitious today when I woke up.  I love it when laundry gets started, dishes are done and bedrooms are clean before 10am.  Of course, I don't love being the person who is in charge of getting this work done.  To be honest, I hate and loathe housework.  I doubt there is anyone who loves it.  Sometimes I will ignore something on the counter or the floor for days before I decide to acknowledge the need to clean.  It also doesn't help that the kids come right behind me to make another mess.  But today was good and afterwards I hopped on the treadmill to get my sweat on.  Since the machine is in my room, I decided I might try running without a shirt on.  I get so hot when I workout and in normal exercising circumstances, I wouldn't be caught dead without a shirt on in public, but since I was in the privacy of my own home I gave it a shot.

It was ok.  I mean it was nice to feel the air cooling me a lot more efficiently but when I looked down I felt like my skin had a layer of jello hidden beneath it.  Things were bouncing and reverberating in ways that shouldn't be mentioned in social circles.  I am sure that microscopic creatures hearing my thunder clap would have to dig themselves a hidey-hole until the jogging was through.  Otherwise, they might go deaf and possibly run the risk of losing limbs if they got caught in the kill zone.  I can imagine it now:
"Janet get the kids inside, the fatty is lowing the treadmill track."
"Dammit Janet we don't have time for silly games, get Angelica and George inside!"
Poor little microbes.  It didn't matter that my jello-jiggly chub was bouncing to and fro, the point is I was on the damn machine attempting to be rid of aforementioned problem.  I guess a few microbe families are going to have to sacrifice their homes for my benefit.  Wait, where am I?  Where was I going?

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Ok it's been a while

Well the semester is three weeks in and I am already losing my mind.  We decided that due to the stress levels and the fact that I have three freaking kids, I have had to lower the number of credits I am taking.  The moment that I dropped some of my classes, I immediately felt better.  I need to remember that there is no timeline and rushing through only causes premature gray hairs and the feeling of utter anxiety.  This week has been really stressful for me.  First, my car breaks down on Friday while I was going 70 on the highway and had to merge over before being completely stranded during rush hour traffic.  Then I had to rent a car for the week because Adam needed to be able to get to work and it is not cheap to do so.  Today I got the ever daunting news of a shot transmission from the mechanic and then immediately had to begin looking for another car before another week of a rental car.  Are you feeling stressed yet?  I am.

Last week Adam and I were talking about how he was having trouble getting to the gym.  In the year that we have paid for the YMCA, he has gone just a handful of times.  I don't blame him, he can't go with me during the day and then when he gets home at night, he has to do homework.  I know I wouldn't go if I were in his shoes.  The only reason why I was able to lose weight before was the fact that my sister Rachel would drop off one of her kids to watch mine and we'd all go workout together. Now it has become more difficult and feels almost impossible.  Sooo...we looked at what it would cost to buy our own treadmill versus continuing to pay for a monthly membership.  Hey guess what?  The cost was literally the same and the benefit to having one at home is the lack of excuses.  There are none.  We bought one and after lugging it into our bedroom and assembling it, we are so happy with this decision.  Already we have been logging hours onto it.  I feel good and it helps to relieve the stress of my week.  Now that I have less on my plate, it should be even easier.  I ate celery last night for crying out loud.