Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Mini My Ass

Today I was feeling in high spirits. I was able to sleep in until 9:15, which is late in my mind and then I was super mom when I offered to take them to the movies today. This has been a weekly thing this whole summer, but the kids seem to develop a strange sort of amnesia between Wednesday and Tuesday night.  This condition is fine by me because I get obedient children for 10 minutes as they anxiously await their activity.

Usually, I am begging and screaming for them to find their shoes and change their underwear. (Maddie has a chronic problem of feeling like underwears are good for more than one day).  After the movie, I was full of Diet Pepsi and popcorn, and request for the park came calling from the back of the car followed by a request for something to eat from my notoriously picky eater of a son. Apparently he did not spend the entire movie stuffing his face as some of us did. I stopped at DQ because they serve hot dogs and he usually won't eat anything else from fast food. While I was ordering, I saw the luscious and scrumptious looking Salted Caramel Truffle Blizzard unabashedly flashing her goods to me. I couldn't help myself. I wasn't hungry but I hardly ever turn down treats, least of all ice cream.  I am not going to lie, I picked DQ knowing full well ice cream was served there. I was using the excuse of Jude but really, nuggets would've worked fine. I will say that I picked the mini version of the delicate treat because I knew I shouldn't do more. I am counting my calories and I didn't want it to be a waste of time.

The term mini at DQ is accurate. The cup handed to me looked like a wee baby ordered it. I felt good about getting the smallest size, but had a rude awakening when I tallied up my score on my calorie card. That stupid freakin baby cup cost me 450 calories!! I was furious. How could something so small be so expensive?!?  Then I thought back to the 15 minutes it took me to consume the confection.  I was lost in a sugary, caramelly wonderland that didn't stop. I was euphoric and for good reason, it was terrible for me. It was loaded with sugar and fat. For curiosity's sake, I looked up what a small was and hold your breaths, 1040 calories!! I can only imagine what a large would cost. I refuse to check, I'd just be angry. No one should be ordering something that is that high in calories. No wonder obesity has overtaken America.  If I hadn't take the conscious effort to eat smaller portions I'd be so ashamed. No I'm not happy about eating 450 calories worth of crap, but at least I made a better choice. It's the small choices throughout each day that make progress. I will remember next time I want ice cream that it used to be a forbidden treat once upon a time at our house. It has to be if I want to succeed.

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