Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Fix it Felix

  I read an article a few months ago from the NY Times that studied the effects of extreme weight loss, especially focusing on the "Biggest Loser" contestants Biggest Loser Study.  Most of them had gained their weight back and in the process, had also lowered their metabolism.  It was a major bummer to hear that I wasn't the only person who is struggling to maintain a healthy lifestyle.  I too had gained all of my weight back and I felt that there wasn't any hope.  The article was depressing and offered little hope for those of us who struggle with weight on a daily basis.  After reading the article, I felt like there was little hope for me, which is why I haven't cared for so long.  Then the other day, a marvelous update came to brighten my day.  NPR posted a story of a college professor who provided an Antidote  to slowing down metabolism when losing weight.

He stated that losing weight too fast means that the body cannot keep up with it and ends up slowing down instead of actually producing long lasting effects.  The article explained that the body can only metabolize up to two pounds of fat each week.  Any more than that and the body gives up muscle mass, water weight, and slows down to keep up.  This gave me a boost in my step.  The term slow and steady wins the race is very applicable to this information.  The professor also adamantly explained that keeping up muscle mass is a the key to keeping up metabolism.  After reading the article, I immediately got online and ordered a dumbbell set.   I wanted to add a little pizzaz to my workout routine because as most of us know, the treadmill can get a tad monotonous.  I know that improving my muscle strength will only benefit me in the long run and I am excited for my online purchase to come to my doorstep.  A little factoid about myself, I prefer online shopping to real life shopping.  I found a better deal and I don't have to take my obnoxious children into the store.  Both sides of that coin win.

Today I wanted to focus on my agility.  I jogged for twenty minutes and then I went into my garage and fashioned a sort of obstacle course for me to run.  I was hopping over boards, running a balance beam, jumping over a two foot box, and lastly I was alternating between falling on my back and standing up and going onto my stomach.  I was winded and smelled like dirty floor, but I am glad I did it.  I want to improve my speed setting on the treadmill and this is a good way to do it.  Plus, I liked mixing it up.  I hope to not be sucking in so much air the next time I try it, but I know that will take time.  I am mostly proud of myself for pulling a "Marina" and creating a hodgepodge agility course.  It sounds way cooler than it actually looked.  It looked like I was hopping and lying in garbage.  This is why I shut the garage door.  I don't need my neighbors to think they see a crazy woman jumping up and down instead of truly understanding what majesties I have created.  It reminds me of my old days of roller skating in the garage.  I perfected that shit.

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