Monday, November 9, 2015

Three flights of stairs? Ya gotta be kidding me

Today was a homework day.  I actually really enjoy these days on campus because there aren't any real timelines and I can just focus on what I need to get done.  All of the other days I am rushing between classes and racing to beat the clock in order to be home on time to pick Judah up from preschool.  I think this is the reason for my stress levels this semester.  I am on campus four days a week and between driving to school from Meridian and then going to work every other week, I simply live in my car for some of my days.  Boise drivers are polite, in fact too polite.  They will break on a green to let others merge.  It is nice when I am on the receiving end of such niceties, but when I am following behind a person who feels so inclined to be neighborly, I get angry.  The commute from my home is filled with all of those drivers and sometimes I hate being polite and would rather just get there.

Today I needed to get my test from my accounting teacher  She said to come up to her office during her scheduled hours.  After my studying I picked my ever increasingly heavy backpack and trudged in the rain to the business building. I have never been up to her office and so I thought, "hey it's on the third floor, I'll take the stairs for some quick cardio".  Bad idea; the stairs were much taller and longer than I had anticipated and when I passed floor two, I secretly hoped that she had picked up and moved all of her stuff onto that floor just for me.  By the time I made it to the third floor, I could feel my heart beat in my ears.  I felt like I couldn't get any air into my lungs and wanted to collapse onto the carpet.  I was trying to control my breath because there was a professor hanging out in his office and was staring at me.  I didn't want him to hear me sucking in air like an industrial fan.  Instead of collapsing, I opted for leaning against the wall and pretending as if I wasn't scared of dying.  My journey to the third floor was not met with reward because she didn't show.  I guess I shouldn't complain too much about it.  But then again, I like complaining.

I came home after class to find a different kind of reward left behind by my dog.  It wasn't gold or silver, and in fact it wasn't a metal at all, it was shit and a lot of it.  Oh there is nothing like the smell of dog crap to really enlighten the mind and invoke positive thinking.  I am considering putting that luscious smell into a yankee candle.  I did however get on the treadmill today in spite of my bad luck.  It was one of those days that the treadmill and my feet were in a tight friendship.  I was able to walk/jog 3 miles and I am really proud of that.  Judah came in part of the way through and he was impressed by the level of sweat accumulating on my back.  It was good to let him see me running.  That is what a parent should be showing their child.  Unlike the view of me scarfing down 4 Oreos yesterday.  Good thing I waited until he was in bed to commit my crime.      

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